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Project overview

The National Business Initiative, together with Business Unity South Africa and the Boston Consulting Group has worked with corporate leaders to assess whether the pathways exist for the country’s economic sectors to decarbonize by 2050 and whether this can be done in such a way as to build resilience to the impacts of climate change and to put the country onto a new and low emissions development path. The results of this work so far have shown that this can be done, and that efforts must begin now to realise these pathways.

Leadership and governance

The Climate Pathways and a Just Transition for South Africa project brings together a team of technical and industry experts supported by CEO Champions, Advisory and Steering Committee members

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National Business Initiative

The NBI believes in collective action and collaboration to effect change; building a South African society and economy that is inclusive, resilient, sustainable and based on trust.

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Boston Consulting Group

BCG partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities.

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Business Unity South Africa

BUSA, formed in October 2003, is the first representative and unified organisation for business in South Africa.

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UK PACT South Africa

UK PACT has partnered with South Africa to support action on Just Transition pathways and a low-carbon economic recovery.

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Strategic Partnerships for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement

Climate change is a global threat that requires a decisive and confident response from all communities, particularly from major economies that represent roughly 80% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

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We Mean Business Coalition

This is a global coalition of non-profit organisations working with the world’s most influential businesses to take action on climate change.

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The African Climate Foundation

The African Climate Foundation (ACF) is the first African-led strategic climate-change grantmaking foundation on the continent.

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The Confederation of Danish Industry

The DI is Denmark’s largest most representative, and most influential business and employers’ organisation, covering manufacturing as well as service industries across sectors such as transport, energy, IT, health, trade, and professional services.

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The Banking Association of South Africa

The BASA advances the interests of the industry with its regulators, legislators, and stakeholders, to make banking sustainable, profitable and better able to contribute to the social and economic development and transformation of the country.

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University of Cape Town